Wednesday, February 19, 2025
HomeArticlesOpposition Leader officially briefs Western Hemisphere Sub-Committee on political atmosphere in Guyana

Opposition Leader officially briefs Western Hemisphere Sub-Committee on political atmosphere in Guyana

As part of a continuing engagement with the political directorate in Washington, United States of America (USA), Guyana’s Opposition Leader, Joseph Harmon on Wednesday (yesterday) briefed key staff of the Ranking Member of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Sub-Committee on Western Hemisphere, Senator Ben Cardin during an extensive Zoom conference call.

According to a press statement from the Office of the Opposition Leader, Harmon updated the key staff on the situation in Guyana with regard to the elections petitions and “the conduct of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) regime since it was installed in office on August 2nd.

“The key staff was keen to receive the update and is expected to brief Senator Cardin shortly and the engagements will continue in the coming weeks. Mr. Harmon has had several phone calls with key decision makers in Washington in recent weeks during which he has updated on the developing situation in Guyana and the oppressive nature of the PPP regime,” the statement added.



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