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HomeNewsPolice nab 21-year-old robbery suspect at Bartica, who relieved victim of over...

Police nab 21-year-old robbery suspect at Bartica, who relieved victim of over $1M in items

Rayon Speede, a 21-year-old miner of Bartica, was arrested by Police and charged today with committing a robbery with violence last Friday against Muneshwar Poorandai, whom he is accused of choking and leaving unconscious, after which he relieved the victim of his gold chains and phones and escaping with his (Poorandai’s) motorcycle.
After he was arrested, he took Police to where he hid the motorcycle and other items he stole.

Police in Regional Division # 7 are investigating an alleged robbery with violence committed on 20-year-old Muneshwar Poorandai, a Barber of Byderabo Road, Bartica, by an identifiable male suspect, which occurred on December 30, 2022, at about 02:00 hrs at One Mile, Potaro Road, Bartica, to wit:

1) One XR Honda motorcycle (# CK 4088) valued at $550,000
2) One iPhone 13 Pro phone valued at $300,000
3) One Samsung Galaxy S9 phone valued at $100,000
4) Two gold chains (18 pennyweights) valued at $80,000 and $50,000 cash.
The total value of the articles stolen is $1,080,000, property of Poorandai.

Investigations revealed that the victim was at Futu’s Sports Bar socialising. As the bar was about to close, the suspect (Rayon Speede) approached the victim for a drop on his motorcycle to One Mile Bartica, to which he agreed.

In the vicinity of Bartica Secondary School dorms, the suspect placed the victim in a ‘headlock’ and wrestled him to the ground. He then dealt the victim several cuffs to the head, which caused him to fall unconscious. The suspect then relieved the victim of the mentioned articles and rode away on the victim’s motorcycle.

When Muneshwar Pooranda regained consciousness, he stopped a passing vehicle which took him to the Bartica Police Station.

The matter was reported to the Police, and the victim was escorted to the Bartica Regional Hospital, where he was seen and admitted as a patient where his condition remained stable.

Based on information received at about 10:00hrs, ranks went to the Bartica arcade, where contact was made with a 31-year-old who had in his possession the two stolen phones. The man indicated that he received the phones from a 21-year-old to ‘unlock’ the phones.
The 21-year-old suspect (Rayon Speede) was contacted and later arrested after admitting to robbing the victim.

Speede then led Police to where he hid the stolen motorcycle. Police also recovered the victim’s ID card and License.

All items recovered are lodged at the station. The victim has since been discharged from the Hospital.

Meanwhile, Speede appeared at the Bartica Magistrate’s Court this morning (Tuesday January 3rd, 2023) before Her Worship Ms Crystal Lambert, where a charge of Robbery with Violence was read to him. He pled not guilty and was placed on $200,000 bail. The matter is slated to be recalled on 2023-02-14.



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