Friday, February 14, 2025
HomeArticlesMiner dead, others injured after tree falls on them in mining pit

Miner dead, others injured after tree falls on them in mining pit

One miner is now dead while two (2) of his workmates (miners) are nursing injuries about their bodies after heavy rainfall coupled with high winds uprooted a tree which fell into the mining pit the trio had been working in on Monday (yesterday).

Dead is Olrick Matthews, a miner of Port Kaituma, North West District (NWD), Region One (Barima-Waini).

HGP Nightly News understands that 49-year-old miner, Edwin Garraway of Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara (EBD) sustained a fractured hand while the other miner, 40-year-old Bryan Richard of Pomeroon River, received lacerations to his forehead.

The tragedy took place around 12:45h on at Sandhill Backdam, Cuyuni River, on the day in question (yesterday).

According to a police statement, on the date and time mentioned, the three (3) men who were employed by Romeo King, a miner, were at his mining operation at the mentioned location when a heavy downpour of rain – coupled with high winds – caused a tree to be uprooted and fall into the mining pit, hitting the three workers who were working at the time.”

The other workers then ran to their assistance and upon examination, Matthew appeared motionless.

“A report was made and the body was escorted to Bartica Regional Hospital where he was seen and examined by a doctor who pronounced him dead on arrival at 23:00 hrs. The body was then placed into the Bartica Mortuary where it awaits a post mortem examination…Investigation in progress.”



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